CLUB US is a group of sixth grade friends (and one fourth grader) who shrink and travel the world in a miniature Accelerated Speed and Distance (ASD) Transporter and experience adventure-filled missions to save lives. In flight they pass through a rotating black hole that enables them to arrive at their destination within minutes after departure. They have only twenty-four hours (twenty-four minutes at home) to successfully complete their mission, or lives will be lost!

Peril in Paris
ISBN: 978-1-955079-01-3
In this first book of a 13-part middle-grade adventure series, the CLUB US crew travels to Paris to stop the destruction of the Eiffel Tower by a Frenchman seeking revenge. When he learns the kids know of his plan, the chase begins. They runsall over Paris to escape, and things go wrong at every turn.
Time is slipping fast, and CLUB US must accomplish their mission before it’s too late. The kids need a miracle, and they need it fast! Without it, the Eiffel Tower will collapse, and thousands of people will be hurt or killed.
Can they do it?

Crisis in Cuba
ISBN: 978-1-955079-02-0
The world’s largest volcano, located under the ocean near Cuba, is being threatened by offshore oil drilling. It is on the brink of an eruption that will completely destroy the Pearl of the Caribbean! Moreover, the island’s beautiful natural resources and marine animals will be in danger of extinction.
The crew’s assignment is to convince Mendéz Oil Company to stop drilling IMMEDIATELY. The kids run into so many obstacles, it looks like they may not accomplish their mission. The clock is ticking, and millions of lives are in mortal danger.
Can they do it?

Intrique in Italy
ISBN: 978-1-955079-03-7
The CLUB US crew goes to Italy, where Berti Motors plans to overtake its biggest competitor, Galotta Automobiles, by destroying millions of its vehicles. Berti’s technological team has hacked the computer systems of Galotta vehicles throughout the country and programmed a meltdown of all the targeted cars, trucks, ambulances, buses, trains, and more . . . on the same day, at the same time.
CLUB US must warn the CEO of Galotta Automobiles of the impending plan and stop Berti Motors from carrying out the mass destruction that will result in lost lives and chaos throughout the country.
Can they do it?

Evil in Egypt
ISBN: 978-1-955079-04-4
The burying places of Egyptian pharaohs and queens have been targets of thieves for thousands of years. Most of them are now empty due to the criminals who have stolen all of the gold, jewels, sacred items and more.
A new tomb has been discovered, that of Queen Esmekeetu and King Simsronwa III who were buried there together in 1313BC. It is the largest discovery of its kind and the government will take the treasures to the Egyptian Grand Museum for the world to see. The tomb is being heavily guarded by national security guards for miles around, but an team of international thieves have devised a scheme to steal the treasures right from under them, putting thousands of lives in jeopardy. CLUB US must stop them!
Can they do it?
There are ten more global missions in the works for CLUB US. Visit www.clubus.us for updates.
Mayhem in Mexico
Anguish in Australia
Menace in Morocco
Greed in Greece
Threat in Thailand
Longshot in London
Bravery in Brazil
Chaos in Canada
Terror in Tanzania
Surprise Finale!